My Story
I have always wanted to create something that would have a positive impact on the world, even in the slightest way. One of my passions is entertainment and is the industry I currently work in. I enjoy singing and performing for people, putting a smile on someone’s face or brightening up their day. However, during the pandemic there was little work available and in turn I was forced to move back to my hometown in San Diego. It actually turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me. I was able to spend time with my family in a capacity that I have never been able to do before. It made me slow down, get off the hamster wheel, and start enjoying a higher quality of life.
During this time is when I came up with the idea to create Canarapy. It initially started with wanting to make a body cream for myself. I wanted to know all of the ingredients in which I lather my body with everyday. I wanted something in its most pure and raw form, loaded with natural healing benefits. I have tried many lotions and moisturizers on the market but was never truly satisfied with any of them. I did a ton of research on each and every ingredient that I would be including in my formula. I knew raw Shea was going to be my main ingredient but I struggled with how thick the texture was making it very hard to spread and rub in. That’s when I decided I was going to mix it with a few other equally important components and whip it until it felt like whipped cream making it spreadable with ease. The most difficult part was finding which ingredients worked best with others, the ratio of each ingredient, and the consistency and texture of the product. This took quite a bit of time but I remained patient and continued my trial and error. Once I was satisfied with my formula, I started to batch a few bottles and hand it out to friends and family. I received great feedback and critique which I used to continue experimenting with different techniques. Soon after, many people started coming back to me and asking me for more, asking for samples to give to their loved ones. I decided I should create my own small business at home.
I realized I would be able to offer others my solution to an all natural remedy for moisturizing skincare. It makes me feel so good to be offering something I truly believe in, something I enjoy making, and putting a personal piece of myself into. What’s most important to me regarding my business is to create something honest and organic. It brings me great joy to hear the satisfaction it gives others and thus Canarapy has created a new lane of serving in my life, a new way to give to others all the while enjoying, learning and evolving myself.